Cycle time analysis in the robot simulation
Virtual safeguarding of robots with cycle time analysis
Necessary process knowledge for cycle time analysis
After the reachability study the individual process steps are examined in a cycle time analysis. Here, the individual work steps of the robots are precisely represented with the aid of virtual replicas of the robot controllers. Of course, the process knowledge must not be missing in such robot simulations. Therefore, we at ASIS always combine both worlds and have simulations, for example in the painting area, carried out by our experts with the corresponding painting experience. Because only the combination of the robot movement and the ability of the applicator to perform the required task results in a functioning process.
What questions does the cycle time study answer?
The cycle time is often made up of several components. Our customers are not only interested in the question of „whether it fits into the cycle time“, but also, for example, how much optimization reserve is still available in the painting process after program commissioning. In our cycle time studies, we therefore always take into account all non-productive times, such as conveying times, signal exchange with the PLC, or times for camera or plugging systems.
What are the advantages of cycle time analysis?
We schedule the remaining net cycle time on a process-related basis with the most uniform possible robot utilization, always retaining a reserve which can be used for appropriate optimization on the construction site after the programs have been commissioned. This ensures that a previously determined discharge rate does not have to be exceeded later.
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Usecase exterior painting of a car body
- In the robot simulation, corresponding paint tracks were placed on the car body.
- After program commissioning, it becomes apparent that additional pre-painting webs are still needed along the tornado line for structural improvement.
- These could be inserted without exceeding the previously planned cycle time or increasing the painting speed and thus the outflow rate on the surfaces.

More information in the whitepaper
Learn more about the fully automatic process in the paint finish.